A Brief Comparison Between Implant Supported Dentures and Traditional Dentures

Implant Supported Dentures McLean, VA

Implant supported dentures are hybrid restorations that combine dental implants with dentures as a solution for missing teeth. Traditional dentures are the most economical way to replace missing teeth, but these devices are prone to shifting in the mouth. This can lead to sores forming inside the cheeks and the dentures falling out when eating or speaking.

Implant supported dentures are just as stable as real teeth because they are attached to implants, so they provide a more comfortable experience. They also provide a handful of other benefits like preserving the patient's jawbone.

Comparing implant-supported dentures and traditional dentures

To better understand the similarities and differences between these oral restorations, take a look at them in greater detail.

1. Traditional dentures

These devices consist of two main parts: the framework that rests on the wearer's gums and the artificial teeth attached to it. The dentures are held in the patient's mouth via suction. This sometimes leads to traditional dentures moving in the wearer's mouth.

The friction created by the device rubbing against the patient's cheeks can lead to sores forming on the soft tissues there. Some try to combat dentures shifting by using oral adhesives, but those products only work for a short while.

The lack of stability of traditional dentures is one of the biggest complaints that people have about them. It often leaves denture wearers worried about their device falling out and embarrassing them.

2. Implant supported dentures

These involve inserting four to six implants into the patient's jaw and attaching dentures to the implants. This gives the artificial teeth stability so they feel and function like real teeth. Implant dentures can be removable or non-removable based on each patient's personal preference.

Removable implant dentures are just like traditional dentures. The only difference is that instead of being held in place via suction, the dentures are connected to implants with an attachment.

Non-removable implant dentures involve using special dentures that stay in place once inserted. It is a more convenient option because it allows the patient to get back to their routine before they lost their teeth.

The ideal candidate for implant supported dentures is healthy enough to recover from oral surgery. Those who have health conditions that can hinder their ability to recover might have to explore other options. Ideal candidates should also have enough healthy bone tissues to hold implants in place. People who lack the necessary bone thickness might need to get bone grafts to be eligible for implants.

Unlike traditional dentures, implant supported dentures help keep the patient's jawbone stimulated, which prevents jawbone atrophy. Jawbone breakdown can alter a person's facial appearance and lead to wrinkles and a sunken look.

Explore implant supported dentures

Call or visit our McLean clinic if you are interested in a better solution than traditional dentures. Implant supported dentures might be right for you.

Request an appointment here: https://www.oaktreefamilydental.com or call Oak Tree Dental at (703) 763-5239 for an appointment in our McLean office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Implant Supported Dentures in McLean, VA.

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