Discreet Teeth Straightening with Invisalign

Invisalign McLean, VA

Invisalign® is often the preferred choice for patients looking to straighten their smiles without the hassle of getting metal braces. If you have been avoiding teeth straightening because you are worried about people noticing metal brackets and wires on your teeth, Invisalign could be the perfect choice for you. Continue reading to see how you can correct teeth misalignment with the Invisalign system.

How Invisalign works

Invisalign is a clear aligner system that consists of a series of custom-made trays to straighten the teeth. Each aligner in the set is slightly different, and the dentist will develop the treatment plan using computer software. The patient will get a custom set of aligners, which they will wear for about two weeks. Although they can take the aligners off as desired, it is vital to follow the dentist's recommendations and wear them for at least 22 hours daily to obtain desired results.

Invisalign presents patients with easy, comfortable teeth straightening process. All required is to wear the aligners, removing them only when eating, drinking, brushing, or replacing them every two weeks. After the treatment ends and the last set of aligners come off, the patient will have straight teeth. Teeth straightening treatment does not have to cause significant changes to the appearance of teeth–that is the advantage Invisalign offers.

The trays blend in with the teeth

Invisalign aligner trays are produced from transparent, flexible plastic and fit snugly on the teeth. The trays are so subtle that most people will not notice them at first glance. Every tray completes a specific movement plan and gradually pushes the teeth to their correct positions. Invisalign works effectively for older teens and adults to correct gap issues, straighten crooked teeth and realign mildly to moderate bite misalignment.

Innovative technology for effective treatment

The aligners are designed specifically for the patient with the aid of computer technology (CAD/CAM). Before commencing treatment, the general dentist will take digital images, impressions, and x-rays of the teeth. Then, the digital images are used for a 3D render to help create the treatment plan and produce the custom aligner trays.

Another factor that makes Invisalign a discreet treatment is removability. Although patients will need to wear them for most of the day, they can take them out when necessary. For instance, if there is a special event, game, or musical concert in which patients are to participate, they can store the aligners in the carrying case for a few hours without affecting treatment progress.

Fortunately, there are no major changes to diet options either. Patients can continue to eat their favorite meals; the only difference is that they will have to take the aligners off until they are done eating. Then, after cleaning their teeth and the aligner trays, they can wear them again. Oral hygiene routines can continue as usual–no special techniques are required, unlike braces.

In conclusion

Invisalign® is suitable for patients with minor to moderate orthodontic issues. The advantage of the procedure is that you can straighten your teeth discreetly and get the added flexibility of removing the aligners at will. Book an appointment with the general dentist to know if you are eligible for Invisalign® treatment.


Here are frequently asked about Invisalign:

Can I get Invisalign as an adult?

While it is true that teeth are permanently anchored into their sockets by maturity, that does not imply it is too late to straighten them. Both conventional metal braces and the more discreet Invisalign system are successfully used to treat many adult patients. In addition, Invisalign may be utilized for a wide range of dental issues, from mild to significant misalignment to moderate post-treatment tooth movement. Invisalign can also address concerns like underbite, overbite, and dental spacing.

Why is teeth straightening necessary?

Having your crooked or overlapping teeth fixed may improve more than just your smile. Damage and decay are more likely to occur in crooked teeth, which may lead to more issues down the road. Changes in bite stability caused by severe overbite or underbite can negatively impact dental health. Additionally, having straight teeth makes it less difficult to clean between them, thus lowering the risk of tooth decay and plaque buildup.

Is Invisalign painful?

It is common knowledge that getting braces and adjusting them may be a real agony in the mouth. Although the pressure required to shift teeth with Invisalign® is still uncomfortable, it is often less so than with traditional metal braces. A patient's teeth and gums may be irritated for the first few weeks, but the discomfort should subside as long as the aligners are being worn as directed.

Request an appointment here: https://www.oaktreefamilydental.com or call Oak Tree Dental at (703) 763-5239 for an appointment in our McLean office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign in McLean, VA.

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